just that--to be his feminine self to such a public degree as may be possible under various circumstances of his own physique, his family, his reputation and social position etc. This is rarely possible in a completely public way. Thus the need was obvious for the development of a group wherein the indivi- dual could be "herself" at her best in front of other human beings, to act out the desire, to talk about it openly and in short to "BE" a femme-person. То fill this need Phi Pi Epsilon Sorority was formed.
FPE as it is called for short is the social arm of the Foundation for Personality Expression whose initials are by design the same. Its purpose is to collect information and do what research it can and to disseminate in anyway it can information about the subject of cross dressing. This meeting tonight therefore falls within the scope of the Foundations purposes but it is actually put on by the Sorority as such because it is a social adventure for our members as it is an educational adventure for you our guests.
Purists among you may ask why we call it a sor- ority since it is made up of biological males. The purpose is stated clearly in the introduction to the application for membership in FPE. Let me quote, "This group is called a Sorority and its members, "Girls", because it is of the very essence and pur- pose of the group to enable its male members to ex- press without fear, to speak without shame, and to act without guilt the femininity that is within them. Therefore, everything is done to enable this feminine self to feel at home and to come forth little by little until "SHE" can be seen, studied, understood and accepted by the masculine self with whom she shares the same body. When this has been accomplished the person is a "FEMMEPERSONATOR", one who has given and shared his life with his feminine self. (To "Personate" means to 'make a person out of'--out of the feminine self in this case). He is then a fuller, richer, more observing and more understanding human